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    Jason's Haircut!!!


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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:52 pm

    Jason got a bad cut......so what!!!!!!! Here....we can help him get over it and encourage him! ive got a big one for you jason...

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:53 pm

    1. Don't panic
    Although you may have hated your horrid new style the minute you saw it, take a deep breath and remain calm. Hair may actually go into a temporary state of "chop shock" immediately after it is cut. Give your hair a few days to relax into the new style. You may discover that your initial anxiety was unfounded and your hair is falling nicely into place.

    If a few days pass and your hair is still giving you nightmares, be prepared to try some new cut coping options.

    2. Cry your eyes out
    OK, so your hair looks like hell and doesn't seem to be recovering from the big cut. It could be worse. While it's okay to indulge yourself in feeling angry or bad about your hair, minimize the negativity. Call your best buds, rant and rave. Have a good old fashioned cry and then move on. Stop obsessing or whining about it. Trust me, your hair will grow back. Don't let a rotten crop rain on your daily parade.

    3. Forgive yourself and your stylist
    Don't get wrapped up in the blame game. While its good to evaluate what went wrong so you can avoid it again, forgive yourself and your stylist and move on.

    4. Investigate minor cut tweaking
    If you received the cut from your regular stylist immediately call them and discuss your disappointment. Remember, even the best stylist in the world has a bad day. Give them the benefit of the doubt and be willing to let them try and tweak the style to your satisfaction. If you trust your stylist ask them slightly "adjust" the cut to even out the rough spots. Most stylists will tweak a bad cut without 48 hours without additional charge. This will only happen if you politely speak up and ask for an adjustment. Don't wait too long after the cut.If you went to an unfamiliar stylist you may want to forgo the tweaking since it might only make matters worse.

    Consider contacting another trusted stylist. Ask them for suggestions on equalizing or modifying your new cut. It is amazing what a good stylist can do with a hair wreck.

    5. Make lemonade out of lemons
    I believe that when life gives you lemons, you can have fun making lemonade. Being positive really helps in any bad situation. Not only does it make you feel better, it gives you the opportunity to learn new ways to style your hair.

    Set aside some private time, drag out all your hair styling tools and play with some new looks. It can help you pass the time while your hair grows out. Styling products like volume enhancing mousse or extra strength gel can work wonders on instantly changing limp locks into luscious fat locks. A good straightening or defrisant balm can remove the frizzies for a smooth, sleek shiny cap.

    Experiment with hot rollers or styling irons to achieve a different texture and movement. Hair will often "snap out" of funk with added flow. Use gel on wet hair to create faux dreads or soft sensual spikes. Play with a magnificent Meg Ryan tousled bedhead do or go with a wet look and slicked back bangs or sides.

    If your hair is long enough, experiment with tiny braids or crimped strands to give yourself a brand new funky style you can have fun with.

    6. Get the biggest bang for your bucks
    Sometimes a bad haircut can be directly related to horrible bangs. Your fringe may be cut too short or appear to be uneven. If your bangs are too short you can opt for several options such as changing your part, wearing your bangs tousled or altering them so that your bangs deliberately take on an asymmetric look.

    Clip-on bangs are now available at some of the larger beauty supply stores. Celebrities love them as displayed by Mai Ling and Jennifer Lopez at recent celebrity award shows.

    Another option is to add multidimensional streaks to your bangs to give them depth and new interest. While you are at it, crank up your eye make-up to take advantage of the new focal point.

    7. Clip on a tail
    If you still can't do a thing with your new do, head for the nearest beauty supply and check out the latest clip-on ponytails, braids and dreadlocks. If you want to crank up your playfulness quotient, experiment with some of the hot new fun wigs in platinum or glam colors. A good clip-on or wig will buy you some stealth mode time for your growing strands.

    If you are more traditional you can select from an incredible array of human hair and synthetic wigs that can be ordered to accurately match most hair colors and styles. If you opt for the more traditional wig path be sure to work with a stylist that can help you get a perfect.

    8. Extend yourself (this is ur best bet!)
    Britney, Christina and JLo do it. More celebrities than you can count do it too. Human hair extensions that are applied by a skilled expert can instantly transform your look from horrendous to heavenly. High quality extensions can be pricey and should not be undertaken lightly. If your rotten cut is really ruining your life, carefully chosen extensions might just be the best solution for you.

    9. Pop a pill
    No, hair vitamins will not instantly add 6 inches to your newly shorn locks. However, it will help maximize your genetic hair growth rate and to help you grow super healthy new strands. Consider adding a good essential fatty acid to your daily vitamin count which will help to internally condition new strands.

    10. Accessorize
    Use hair clips, barrettes, jeweled hairpins and headbands to camouflage uneven layers. Brush haphazard bangs to one side and clip with a hot new comb. While not show off your ability to make the best of a bad hair situation? Grab the latest fashion headgear as a last resort and only if you really must.

    11. Get out of the house
    Avoid the temptation to let your bad hair experience prevent you from enjoying your life. Don't pass up a special social event just because your hair looks less than perfect. Spend some time before the event practicing some cool ways to equalize your challenged hair. Then go out and enjoy yourself.

    Last edited by Paddy on Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:54 pm

    plz share all tips with jason plz!!!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:56 pm

    It happens when you least expect it. Usually it happens right before a very important event where photographers will be out in force. Sometimes it happens with a long time trusted expert at the helm. What is "it"? It is a dreaded bad haircut that can ruin a long string of days with just a few snips of a scissors.

    The key to bouncing back from a bad cut is to remember that your hair will recover despite how bad you think it looks. Don't let a bad cut ruin your life.

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:03 pm

    sorry......i took of 2 girl ones on acciedent!!!!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:05 pm

    The bad hair cut happens to everybody at some time or another and it may help just knowing you're not alone.

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Admin~SUZI~ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:06 pm

    haha....i would just wear a hat!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:07 pm

    you need to remember that hair grows about 1/2" a month and it's probably not going to take near as long as you think to grow out to a stage where it's acceptable.

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:08 pm

    Growing out a bad hair cut is awkward but there are ways to minimize your discomfort. If the hat fits, wear it. Some people look great in hats and already have some. Ok, so that may not be what you had in mind...

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:09 pm

    ooooooo lookie here!!!!! jason can just do this!!!!

    You can find clip on synthetic pony tails, braids (plaits) and straight hair extensions in department and discount stores everywhere. If you can match the color, you're in luck. You'll have an instant ponytail or braid for a feminine look.

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:09 pm

    thats all u need jason!!!!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Admin~SUZI~ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:10 pm

    HAHA...thats 4 girls paddy!!!! newayz it sounds 2 me like jason got a buzz cut!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:11 pm

    no no no!!!! he neeeeeeds that one!!!!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:12 pm

    lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Admin~SUZI~ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:13 pm

    ...haha....but its seriously 4 girls! it'll mkae his hair extremly long...longer than daks!...

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Paddy Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:22 pm

    and that matterz because???

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Admin~SUZI~ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:23 pm

    haha.....well i was just saying...extensions r really long...

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by DAK Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:23 pm

    i had a real buzz cut shorter than jasons or johns it was 1/4 of an inch long so i no wat jasons going through Rolling Eyes

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Admin~SUZI~ Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:24 pm

    HAHA....w0w i can't even imagine that paddy!

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Allie Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:46 pm

    haha....ya jason should get extensions!!! That would be sooooo funny!!!
    jason, just try wearing a hat, if you dont make a big deal about it no one else will

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by DAK Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:49 pm

    we cant were hats

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Allie Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:50 pm

    then just stop obsessing over it, forget about it and wait til it grows back, and whenever your not in scholl where a hat

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by DAK Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:51 pm

    Gstors are SEC champs
    Gstors are SEC champs

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by Gstors are SEC champs Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:51 pm

    lol dak is a girl we all knwow that

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    Jason's Haircut!!! Empty Re: Jason's Haircut!!!

    Post by DAK Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:52 pm

    i will tell people who u r d

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